Thursday, March 15, 2007


Kudos today for and from my good friend Omar Salem after he linked to me. Apparently I'm "more Luke Akehurst than the Socialist Youth Network. He is of course right. So perhaps next badge of "honour" will be to get listed on their "Righty" links, alongside such illustrious company as Luke himself and Tom Watson MP. And Iain Dale. Hmmm...Now, if I could get Dale to link to me that really would be something!


Luke Akehurst said...

You are nothing like me. Apart from being in PR, of course.

Tim McLoughlin said...

Perhaps not, but easy to tar with a big, broadbrush. I'm like you because I like the government more than many will admit.

I'm also Chair of Highbury East Labour Party and you are the boss of my Vice Chair I do believe...

Omar Salem said...

I was going to say more Luke Akehurst that Harry Perkins but Harry Perkins seems to have disappeared.

Luke Akehurst said...

Reading your profile, now I see what we have in common. You can't spell, either.